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Forum Guidelines


As a student of Sustainable Urban Development (AMS.URB.1X) you are part of a diverse learning community that is at the heart of a meaningful learning experience. 

The discussion forum  is an essential part of this online course. Be it online or in person, a healthy learning community online starts with some ground rules:

  • Be respectful. Please respect your fellow students. Debate and pushing on ideas is part of a healthy and thriving learning community, but only when it is done in a polite and respectful manner. Insulting, condescending or abusive words will not be tolerated and will be reported and removed.
  • Be constructive. A learning community is about learning with and through engagement with one another. When commenting on each other’s projects, try to offer constructive feedback and suggestions that help them improve it.
  • Be sensitive. This is a global forum with participants from many different cultures and backgrounds. Be sensitive when discussing race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or controversial topics since others may be more sensitive about them than you are.
  • Post appropriately. Content that violates the Terms of Service is not permitted. You may not post inappropriate (eg. pornographic) or copyrighted content, advertisements or promotions of outside products or organizations, or spam the forums with repetitive content.

Please help us create a healthy learning environment by respecting the code of conduct. We trust that students like you to will keep our forum communities strong and healthy. 

In addition, please consider the following guidelines when posting in the course forums. These guidelines were created to serve the community and make the forums welcoming and easy to use. If you have other suggestions to add, please let us know! 


What makes a good post? The main goal of the forums is to provide a place where dialogue can build as the collective learning community digs into this content together. The forums are there for all learners to have a deeper, more meaningful learning experience, but there are a few things to consider when posting in the course forums:

  1. Read before posting. Your comment or question should build on what’s already been discussed. If you have a question, scan through to see if it’s already been addressed and use the search function to avoid creating duplicate threads and find the most appropriate topic thread to post in.
  2. Use informative titles. Keep your post titles short and on-topic so the forums are easier to navigate. If you’re asking a question, it should go in the title.
  3. Make it easy to read. Present facts and background information in your post. Don’t capitalize or bold entire sentences as this makes the forums harder to read. Check your posts for spelling or grammatical errors.
  4. Stay on topic. Don’t change the topic of a thread or split a thread into multiple discussions. If you are discussing something that is not directly related to the course materials, pick one thread instead of discussing over multiple threads. And please, don’t post the same post/question in more than one forum.
  5. Help keep the site friendly. If you think a project or comment is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise inappropriate, click “Report” to let us know about it.


There are forum moderators participating in the forums to help in the learning community. They are there to help facilitate effective dialogue and support the forum guidelines. They are there to help, and you will see comments in topic threads from them, as well as messages directly from them if they have move your post to a more appropriate thread. If you have any overall questions or concerns about the forums you can message them directly or post in the Q&A section of the forum

Theo Xenakis


“Graduate of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Diploma in Surveying Engineering) and currently a proud member of the Wageningen UR community (MSc Urban Environmental Management), I am passionate about urban sustainability and sustainable technology integration. My aim is to use my knowledge on urban systems engineering, my expertise in sustainable energy and my entrepreneurial skills, in order to help shaping the smart cities of the future; for a better quality of life and for the sake of our planet.”

Marit Schavemaker


"My name is Marit Schavemaker, I am a 22 years old, Dutch student. I am very happy to be one of the moderators of this MOOC! Last year I finished my bachelor in Landscape Architecture at Wageningne University and currently doing my masters in Urbanism at the TU Delft. A semester at the University of Copenhagen is coming up for me where I will be studying in the field of Sustainable Urban Design. Working on this MOOC is a really enjoyable and interactive learning experience and I am hoping to share this with a lot of people around the world!

Teis Bekken

"Hi there! My name is Teis Bekken and I am one of the moderators for this interesting and broad MOOC. Currently i am doing my masters in Urbanism at the TU Delft, where I finished my bachelors last year. In my opinion the urban designer has the potential to play a key factor in the sustainable development of our future cities. Therefore i am very pleased to be part of this MOOC. I hope you will enjoy this MOOC as much as I did so far." 

Tijmen van der Sande


“Two years ago I graduated at the University of applied science Van Hall Larenstein (Water Management and Spatial Planning). Right after graduation I started working for the municipality of Breda in the Netherlands as a technical expert in urban water. But in this 7 months I had the feeling I missed essential technical background knowledge so I started my MSc Urban Environmental Management at the Wageningen UR with a specialisation in Environmental Technology. Since day one I have never regretted this decision and now I feel confident to start my career in the Urban Development sector next year”

Discussion Forum Practicalities

There are several topics in...:


Post in the correct topic thread


Respond to posts if it considers the same topic rather than writing a new post or starting a new thread. A thread consists of a post, a response and a comment. To increase interaction between students, we`d like to ask  you to respond or comment on each others posts.


To find the right topic, click 'All Discussions'