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What are the dates of the course?

The course is set to begin on 11 February 2019 at 00:00 UTC and will run for 10 weeks - including 8 weeks of course content and 2 "catch-up" weeks - ending on 21 April 2019 at 23:30 UTC. Students will be able to access course materials as they are released.

How long will this course take?

The duration of the course is 8 weeks. If you complete all of the course activities -- videos, readings, and participation -- the course should take no more than 30 minutes per day! 

How is the course graded?

  • Participation is 10% of your grade. This includes participating in the pre- and post-course surveys and completing discussion activities each week.
  • End-of-Module Evaluations (Quizzes) are 55% of your grade. These include questions from the videos and the readings.
  • Final Exam is 25% of your grade. This is a multiple choice exam drawing on all course material.
  • Final Assignment is 10% of your grade. This is an opportunity for you to create a short written exercise addressing one of the two case studies (you choose) that we present at the beginning of this course - Colombia and Afghanistan. 

Am I eligible to receive a Verified Certificate?

In order to be eligible for a Verified Certificate signed by the instructors, you will need a 70% average in the course.

Is this course free?

Yes. There is no course fee associated with this course, and it is open to all. There is, however, a fee to receive a verified certificate. 

What resources will I need for this class?

A strong internet connection will be helpful, but we will try to ensure materials are available for slower bandwidths as well. The course is optimized to run on the most recent versions of most browsers, and Google Chrome and Safari have been shown to work the best with the platform. No other computer programs or books are required. All the readings will be provided online.

What kind of background do I need for this course? 

The course is open to all and is accessible to students without prior background or experience in the topics. However the content within the course is dense and complex, structured at a higher level, so we expect most of our students to be at an undergraduate or masters level, or working in a related professional field. 

Can I take this class for university credit?

No. While we encourage any professors to incorporate this material into their own courses, you cannot take this course on its own for university credit.

How can I engage with the course beyond the lectures, readings, and quizzes?

The Course Team and Teaching Assistant will be available to respond to questions and facilitate discussions in the discussion forum and in office hours! However, the discussion forums are also  a great place to post thoughts, ask questions, and engage in discussion with fellow students.

Whom do I contact with questions?

For specific questions related to the course, you can email us at enviropeace@sdgacademy.orgThis includes any questions about the material or assignments. For technical questions about the platform, please email EdX.