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ChinaX (Part 6):  Modern China's Foundations: The Manchus and the Qing

Section 26: The Qing Vision of Empire

Historical Overview
26.1: Patterns of Alien Rule
26.2.1: The Rise of the Manchus
26.2.2: The Rise of the Manchus
26.3: The Creation of the Manchu State
26.4: The Creation of the Qing State

Section 27: Hearts and Minds

Historical Overview
27.1: Conquest and Consolidation
27.2: Resistance and Withdrawal
27.3: The Problem of Legitimacy
27.4: The Limits of Success
27.5: Reclusion, Rebellion and Restoration

Section 28: Manchu Identity and  the Meanings of Minority Rule

28.1: The Problem of Manchu Identity
28.2: The Manchu Way
28.3: Manchu Insecurity
28.4: Acculturation and its Limits
28.5: Sinicization and its Discontents

Section 29: High Qing

29.1: China Today as a World Power
29.2: Qing Economic Growth
29.3: Three Kings
29.4: Territorial Expansion Under Qianlong
29.5: Inner Asian Empire and the Unity of China

29.6: The Macartney Mission
29.7: The Qianlong Twilight

ChinaX (Part 7):  Invasions, Rebellions, and the Fall of Imperial China

Section 30: Myths and Lessons of Modern Chinese History

Historical Overview
30.1: What do you know about China?
30.2: Knowing What We Know
30.3: Myth 1
30.4: Myth 2
30.5: Myth 3

Section 31: Achievement and Limits of Manchu Rule

31.1: Ming and Manchu Memories
31.2: Manchu Origins
31.3: Conquering
31.4: The Rule of the Manchus
31.5: Presiding and Decreasing Success of the Qing Emperor

Section 32: Opium and the Opium War

32.1: The Chinese World Order
32.2: Opium and a Changing World Order
32.3: Effects of Opium and the Qing's Response
32.4: The Aftermath of the Opium War

Section 33: Christianity and Chinese Salvation

33.1: Encountering the West
33.2: Neiluan, Internal Turmoil
33.3: Waihuan, External Disasters
33.4: Massacres

Section 34: Fall of Imperial China

34.1: The Fall of Imperial China
34.2: Self-Strengthening
34.3: Resistance
34.4: Reform

ChinaX (Part 8):  Creating Modern China: The Republican Period to the Present

Part 8: Introduction

Introduction to Part 8 

Section 35: Foreign Models for a Chinese Republic

Historical Overview
35.1: The End of the Empire
35.2: What is Republicanism?
35.3: Communism?
35.4: Fascism?
35.5: A Chinese Alternative?

Section 36: The Military Persuasion in Modern China

36.1: Assumptions Regarding the Military in Chinese History
36.2: Regional Militarization in Late Imperial China
36.3: Militarization of the State in Republican China
36.4: Competing Models for the New Military 
36.5: The Military under the People's Republic, 1949-

Section 37: Culture and Revolution

37.1: Introduction
37.2: Revolution of High Culture
37.3: The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
37.4: Conclusion

Section 38: Engineering China

38.1: Introduction
38.2: Engineering Values
38.3: The Legacy of Sun Yat-sen
38.4: International Science and Technology
38.5: Conclusion

Section 39: Against the Empire of the Sun: The USA and China

39.1: Introduction
39.2: The War of 1937-1945 and Its Consequences
39.3: The Chinese-American Alliance
39.4: Two New Chinas

Part 8: Conclusion

ChinaX (Part 9): China and Communism

Part 9: Introduction

Introduction to Part 9

Section 40: Rise of the Chinese Communist Party

Historical Overview
40.1: Introduction
40.2: The Period of Orthodoxy
40.3: The Period of Experimentation
40.4: Yan'an

Section 41: Socialist Elder Brother

41.1: Introduction
41.2: Inherited Patterns of Sino-Soviet Relations
41.3: Transitions to High Stalinism
41.4: China and the Socialist World Economy
41.5: Conclusion

Section 42: Fleurs du mal: Blooming & Contending in Early Communist China

42.1: Introduction
42.2: Hu Feng Affairs
42.3: Blooming and Contending: "Fragrant Flowers"
42.4: Repression: "Poisonous Weeds"

Section 43: Cultural Revolution

43.1: Setting the Stage for Revolution
43.2: Bombard the Headquarters
43.3: Lin Biao's Demise
43.4: Reading "Life and Death in Shanghai"
43.5: Life and Death in Shanghai Response Questions
43.6: Images from this Period

Section 44: Last Years of Mao and the Reopening of China

44.1: Introduction
44.2: The Fall of Lin Biao
44.3: Lin Biao in the Larger Context: The Domestic and Foreign Policy Background
44.4: New Foreign Policy
44.5: Domestic Policy After Lin Biao
44.6: The Gang of Four
44.7: Mao's Last Year

ChinaX (Part 10): Contemporary China: The People's Republic, Taiwan, and Hong Kong

Part 10: Introduction

Introduction to Part 10

Section 45: The Political and Economic World of Post-Mao China

Historical Overview
Introduction to Interviews
45.1: Interview with Ezra Vogel
45.2: Interview with Dwight Perkins
45.3: Interview with Elizabeth Perry

Section 46: Agricultural China

46.1: Chinese Agriculture before 1949
46.2: Chinese Agriculture under the CCP
46.3: The CP Group
46.4: The Future of CP Group
46.5: Field Trip to CP Group

Section 47: Entrepreneurship China

47.1: Introduction to the Wanxiang Case
47.2: Why write a case on Wanxiang?
47.3: Background 
47.4: Wanxiang Strategy
47.5: Wanxiang America
47.6: Should Wanxiang build an electric car?
47.7: Q&A with Mr. Pin Li
47.8: Field Trip to Wanxiang

Section 48: Educational China Part 1

48.1: Education China
48.2: Tsinghua Campus Field Trip
48.3: Interview with President Chen Jining of Tsinghua University
48.4: Interview with Professor David Daokui Li
48.5: Interview with Students

Section 49: Educational China Part 2

49.1: Introduction to Kunshan
49.2: Kunshan: A Brief History
49.3: Why Write a Case about Kunshan?
49.4: Taiwan and Kunshan
49.5: American Universities in China
49.6: Kunshan Field Trip

Section 50: Environmental China

50.1: China's Environmental Challenge
50.2: Early Pressure on Natural Resources
50.3: The Environment Under Mao
50.4: The Status of the Environment in Contemporary China
50.5: Political Responses and Prospects for the Environment in China
50.6: Winning "the War"?
50.7: Harvard China Project on the Environment

Section 51: Writing China

51.1: Introduction
51.2: Interview with Yu Hua
51.3: Interview with Mo Yan

Section 52: A Strait of Uncertainty: Taiwan in the Shadow of Mainland China

52.1: What is Taiwan?
52.2: Development of a Taiwanese Identity

52.3: Democratization and New Tensions across the Taiwan Strait
52.4:  The Revival of Cross-Strait Economic and Cultural Relations
52.5: Economic Integration and Political Partnership

Section 53: Can China Lead?

53.1: Will the 21st Century Be the Chinese Century?
53.2: Beijing in 2035
53.3: Infrastructure State
53.4: Education
53.5: Chinese World Order
53.6: Can China Lead? 
53.7: The Transition to President Xi
53.8: So, Will the 21st Century Be the Chinese Century?

Part 10: Conclusion

Optional Section: A Discussion with Young Historians in Shanghai