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Welcome to PennX Volt101x: Introduction to Online and Blended Teaching!

In this course, you will explore several key issues that educators need to understand about teaching and learning in the digital age. We will look at how online learning is different from traditional methods of learning, examine how the digital practices of young people are continually changing, and explore some key considerations that need to be addressed while designing learning environments that are engaging and student-centered.

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Our course begins on September 12, 2017, at 14:00 UTC. We've designed the content to be completed over 6 weeks with new content becoming available each week. As you work through the content in weeks 1, 2, 4, and 5, you will be tasked with reflections and other projects to share in our discussion forums. Although ungraded, these assignments will help you reflect on and better understand the principles presented in this course through conversation with your classmates.

In addition to discussions, each week will feature sets of review questions. You can attempt to answer these questions as many times as needed. Use them to review key concepts from the lessons! In weeks 3 and 6, you will participate in peer-reviewed writing assignments. These activities will ask you to reflect on key concepts from the course and review what your classmates have written with the option to discuss your emerging thoughts on online teaching and learning.

For further information on this course, please review the course outline,  our course syllabus (also available on the course outline page, underneath the list of important dates),  and discussion guidelines.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding the course content, please post it in our discussion forum by clicking on the Discussion tab and posting a question. To get help with any technical issues, click on the Help option on the top right of your screen to send a message to EdX student support.

We appreciate your interest in this topic and hope that you find the content engaging and useful!

To get started, click on the Course tab at the top of the page to access our course outline!