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This page contains links to the course workbook and additional resources to support your learning throughout this course.


The workbook is designed to help you individually — if you are taking this online course as part of a formal course or pre-departure workshop at an institution, your instructor might want to collect some or all of the workbook activities, so keep that in mind. We have included three versions - Word, Google Doc, and PDF so that you can use whatever works best for you.

Supplemental Project Management Resources

Case Studies: Project management methodologies really come to life as you work on a specific project. Rather than working in the abstract, choose a project for this module; this could be a project you worked on in the past or one you are preparing for now.  If you don’t have your own project to work with, we have created a case study that you can use for the different activities in the module.

Glossary: Like all disciplines, project management has its own particular jargon. This new vocabulary takes some getting used to, and beginners often find it confusing, so we have created a brief glossary to help you navigate the new terms and concepts.Use this glossary for reference as needed so you don’t waste time worrying about absorbing all the vocabulary.

Flow ChartProject management is a process with many steps. We have mapped out the full process in one document. If you find yourself getting caught up in the nitty gritty, step back and consult these charts.