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Study Map

View 4.605x - A Global History of Architecture: Part 1 in Google Maps.

The 4.605x course team has created a map that shows the location and images of many of the buildings discussed in this course. Use it to guide your studies, or learn more about the sites that interest you most. This map will serve as a summary study guide to the buildings that are discussed in 4.605x. Each entry in the map includes photos, videos, and a short summary of the structures discussed (from Wikipedia). We hope that this resource can continue to serve a valuable tool for your exploration of global architectural history.

Please note that the structures included can also be found in the Lecture Handouts, which can be downloaded on the "Overview" page of each lecture (labelled with the lecture number, followed by the suffix ".0," i.e. 1.0 - Overview; 2.0 - Overview; et cetera).

The image below shows a "screen grab" of our map. As you can see, sites are displayed with flags in the Google Maps interface. The numbers on these flags correspond to the lecture in which the item is discussed. A list of sites is also available on the sidebar. Clicking on a flag or sidebar entry will open up a window with more information about the site. Note that you will have to zoom in manually in order to view Google Maps data in the vicinity of the site in more detail.

Please note that when you load the map, not all the sites are visible at once; to see the sites beyond Lecture 15, scroll to the bottom of the sidebar and click the link to view page 2.

Study Map

View 4.605x - A Global History of Architecture: Part 1 in Google Maps.