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u.lab 1x - syllabus

You can download a PDF version of the syllabus here.


Each module, there will be four types of activities you can do to earn credit. Each will count toward 25% of your grade for the week.

1.     Watch the videos (25%)

2.     Participate in a coaching circle (25%)

3.     Personal reflection exercises (25%)

4.     Real world engagement (25%)

    • Module 0 is orientation and will not be graded.
    • Module 1 will be worth 20% of your overall grade.
    • Module 2 will be worth 15% of your overall grade.
    • The Social Presencing Theater Module will not be graded.
    • Module 3 will be worth 15% of your overall grade.
    • Module 4 will be worth 10% of your overall grade.
    • Module 5 will be worth 15% of your overall grade.
    • Module 6 will be worth 25% of your overall grade.
    • Module 7 is the closing session and will not be graded.

There are no tests, exams, or quizzes. You will be expected to complete a reflective journaling exercise for each module, beginning in Module 1.

The u.lab is pass/fail. You will need a 60% overall grade to pass and earn a certificate. Additionally, our grading system is completely on the honor code. At the end of each graded module you will find a section called Get Credit For Your Work. In this section you will indicate what work you completed during the module.