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u.lab 1x - syllabus

From 2015-2017, over 90,000 people from 183 countries have taken part in u.lab. Some of us have 30 years of work experience; others are in high school or college. Some are from the business sector; others work in government, civil society, education, healthcare, the arts, media, as social entrepreneurs – and much more. We’re thrilled that you have decided to join us in this journey through u.lab!

We will offer a number of new features in this course. We created this syllabus to explain how they work, how they are related to each other, how much time you should plan (and when) to complete them, and how you can make the best use of them in the weeks ahead.

You can download a PDF version of the syllabus here.


Each module, there will be four types of activities you can do to earn credit. Each will count toward 25% of your grade for the week.

1.     Watch the videos (25%)

2.     Participate in a coaching circle (25%)

3.     Personal reflection exercises (25%)

4.     Real world engagement (25%)

UPDATED November 30th, 2017:

    • Module 0 is orientation and will not be graded.
    • Module 1 will be worth 20% of your overall grade.
    • Module 2 will be worth 15% of your overall grade.
    • The Social Presencing Theater Module will not be graded.
    • Module 3 will be worth 15% of your overall grade.
    • Module 4 will be worth 10% of your overall grade.
    • Module 5 will be worth 15% of your overall grade.
    • Module 6 will be worth 25% of your overall grade.
    • Module 7 is the closing session and will not be graded.

There are no tests, exams, or quizzes. You will be expected to complete a reflective journaling exercise for each module, beginning in Module 1.

The u.lab is pass/fail. You will need a 60% overall grade to pass and earn a certificate. Additionally, our grading system is completely on the honor code. At the end of each graded module you will find a section called Get Credit For Your Work. In this section you will indicate what work you completed during the module.