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Christoffer Rahm MD, Ph.D

Christoffer works as chief psychiatrist at Psychiatry South Stockholm, Sweden. He recieved his Ph.D from the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, in 2013. Christoffer was a post doctoral researcher at Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Center, University of Melbourne, Australia, 2014-2015. He's now the Principal Investigator of Priotab and Prevent-IT, two academically initiated clinical trials at Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, on pharmaceutical and psychotherapeutical methods to reduce the risk of men with pedophilia committing child sexual abuse. Christoffer is lecturer in psychiatry and the author of Neurovetenskaplig Psykiatri (Natur och Kultur, 2018), an award winning textbook in Swedish on neuroscientific psychiatry.

Karolina Sörman Ph.D

Karolina has an MSc in neurosciences from Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. She received her Ph.D from the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet in June 2015. She is Head of Unit, Continuing Education* at the Centre for Psychiatry Research (CPF) at Karolinska Institutet. She also has a part time position as postdoctoral researcher at CPF. Her main research interest concerns “callous-unemotional” and psychopathic traits in adolescents and young adults. She is also interested in legal and attitudinal aspects of psychiatric conditions. Other research interests concern transdiagnostic aspects (e.g., emotion regulation) of relevance to different psychiatric conditions. She is interested in education and enjoys trying out different teaching methods, including using graphics and artwork to illustrate scientific principles. She is frequently teaching at undergraduate and graduate courses, as well as clinical programs. Together with a senior co-author, she is currently writing on a book about psychopathic traits.

* Started this position April 1, 2018.