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When do I need to complete the end of course assessment to obtain the certificate?

You will need to complete the exam before the deadline to upgrade to verified to obtain the certificate (this deadline is listed on the course homepage). If you're unable to do this you would have to wait until the next time we run this course for the opportunity to do the exam.

Can I upgrade to verified after I have completed the course and end of course assessment?

You can upgrade to verified and therefore receive a certificate up to the deadline for upgrading which is listed on the course homepage. You can also do this even if you have already completed the course.

If I don't upgrade to verified, can I get any official document to show that I have done the course?

The verified certificate is the official document marking the completion of a course. A complete record of your scores on all course assignments and exams appears on the course Progress page. If you need a record of your performance in a course, use your web browser to print one of these pages.

Will the certificate state the grade I achieved on the final exam?

The certificate doesn't state the mark you received on the final exam. A complete record of your scores on all course assignments and exams appears on the course Progress page. If you need a record of your performance in a course, use your web browser to print one of these pages.

I have upgraded to verified but am not able to complete the course before the closing date. Can I carry across my payment to the next run of the course?

If you have upgraded to verified and do not complete the course, you cannot carry over the payment you've made for future runs of the course.

I have completed prior runs of courses within this XSeries, if I complete all four courses but from different runs, will I still receive the XSeries certificate?

Yes, if for instance, you have completed two courses from the first run, and then the remaining two this time round, you will be issued an XSeries certificate upon completion.

Is there a single verified certificate for all the courses or will each course have its own certificate?

There is a certificate for each course you complete within the XSeries and also a certificate for completing the entire series too.

Is the certificate free to obtain on completion of the course?

No, only those who have upgraded to verified receive a certificate on completion and there is a charge for this.