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Did someone just use an acronym or some confusing jargon? We will keep a list of the acronyms and their meanings here. If we're missing one, let us know by commenting on the Acronym discussion board post and we'll add it here.

EVD - Ebola Virus Disease

ETU - Ebola Treatment Unit

WHO - World Health Organization

GOARN - Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network

MSF - Médecins Sans Frontières (i.e. Doctors Without Borders)

LMH - Last Mile Health

CHAI - Clinton Health Access Initiative

IHR - International Health Regulations

NGO - Non-Governmental Organization

GHSA - Global Health Security Agenda

IPC - Infection Prevention and Control

CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (United States Government Agency)

ARV - Antri-retroviral

R&D - Research and Development

PPE - Personal Protective Equipment

MDG - Millennium Development Goals