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Discussion Norms & Guidelines

The Introduction to Data Wise discussion forum is a unique opportunity to engage with learners from all over the world. Our community is diverse in experience, knowledge, language, and culture. This provides us with an incredible resource of viewpoints, and we want to make sure the discussions are meaningful and fun! Please consider the following when you post:

Data Wise Norms

  • Assume positive intentions
  • Take an inquiry stance
  • Ground statements in evidence

Discussion Guidelines

  • Use categories wisely. You can place your posts within categories when you create them. To see all the categories within the discussion forum, click on the dropdown menu at the top left that says "All Discussions." 
  • If you have a technical question or general course question, write a post in those discussion categories so that course staff can find your question. 
  • Posts should be written in your own words. If you include a quote or reference, when possible also provide a citation (book, URL, etc).
  • Participate! You will get out of the discussions what you put into them.
  • Before posting, search the Discussion for similar questions or comments. You can always respond and/or click on the green plus button to upvote a post.
  • If you disagree with a post, respond using evidence and reasoning instead of personal attacks.
  • Before posting a comment, consider: would you say it to someone’s face? If no, we encourage that you revise it. 
  • Use correct grammar and spell-check your posts. Also, please do not use ALL CAPS.
  • Avoid slang and abbreviations, as these vary across cultures.


  • Please limit your posts/responses to 200 words or less (by request of EdX).
  • Use the search and engagement tools (upvote, follow for updates, flag for misuse) on the Discussion Home to find and contribute to the conversations.
  • You have the option to receive an email message each day that summarizes discussion activity for the posts you are following. To receive this daily digest, select Discussion, go to the third row on the graphic, and then select the 'Receive updates' checkbox.
  • If you see an inappropriate post, flag it instead of adding your own commentary.

For more information on discussion forums, check out the edX documentation.