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Overall Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the components of an Android application
  • Define the lifecycle methods of Android application components
  • Describe the basics of event handling in Android
  • Describe the basics of graphics, multimedia and networking support in Android
  • Demonstrate skills of using an integrated development environment (Android Studio) and Android Software Development  Kit (SDK) for implementing Android applications
  • Demonstrate through a set of simple applications the understanding of the concepts of mobile application development


Course Outline

Week Release Dates Weekly Objectives Due Dates


14 Nov 2016

  • Understand the various components of an Android application
  • Design and implement an application in Android Studio and deploy it to an emulator or a mobile device
  • Design a simple UI with some widgets and implement the code to respond to user’s interactions with the UI widgets

23 Jan 2017 23:59 (GMT +8)


14 Nov 2016

  • Design an app with multiple activities, and start one activity from another using intents
  • Use more UI widgets like ListView and design a Custom ArrayAdapter for the ListView
  • Design complex UI with layouts using RelativeLayout and LinearLayout

23 Jan 2017 23:59 (GMT +8)


14 Nov 2016

  • Design colorful UI employing colors, styles and themes
  • Use some elements of Material design in your app UI
  • Design a simple game using the 2D graphics support available in Android

23 Jan 2017 23:59 (GMT +8)


14 Nov 2016

  • Design the game using 2D graphics with SurfaceView
  • Use MediaPlayer to provide background music for your game
  • Use SoundPool class to produce sounds for the game

23 Jan 2017 23:59 (GMT +8)


14 Nov 2016

  • Make use of the GSon library to process JSon strings in your app
  • Use an AsyncTask to offload processing to the background
  • Connect to a server and download data
  • Learn to use the Picasso image downloading library

23 Jan 2017 23:59 (GMT +8)