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In addition to the videos and the quizzes in this MOOC, there are a number of assigned readings. 

The readings are all drawn from works published by the US National Academies of Sciences Press which has, over the last two decades, played a leading role in a concerted effort to promote evidence-informed pedagogy in science and engineering. 

The core text that is associated with this MOOC is:

Kober, Nancy. (2015). Reaching Students: What Research Says About Effective Instruction in Undergraduate Science and Engineering. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.   You can download the text in full for free from the Website of the National Academies Press.

Other readings used in this MOOC are drawn from the following texts:

Pellegrino, James W., Naomi Chudowsky and Robert Glaser (Editors) (2001) Knowing What Students Know: The Science and Design of Educational Assessment. Washington DC: The National Academies Press (full text is available for download here)

Singer, Susan R., Natalie R. Nielsen, and Heidi A. Schweingruber (Editors) (2012)  Discipline-Based Education Research: Understanding and Improving Learning in Undergraduate Science and Engineering.  Washington DC: The National Academies Press (full text is available to download here).

Another MOOC which might be of interest to you from EPFL is Apprendre à étudier en sciences et ingénieriea MOOC designed to help students develop the study skills and habits which can help them succeed in scientific and engineering studies (in French).

If you would like to know more about our approach underpinning this MOOC, we recently published an article in the European Journal of Engineering Education entitled The Teaching Toolkit: design of a one-day pedagogical workshop for engineering graduate teaching assistants.