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Syllabus: Smart Grids: The Basics


  1. 1. Course overview 
  2. 2. Learning objectives
  3. 3. What we expect from you
  4. 4. What you can expect from us/the course team
  5. 5. Course structure
  6. 6. Resources, Tools & Browsers
  7. 7. Assessment & Certificate
  8. 8. License

1. Course overview

The smart grid of the future is a complex electrical power system. Its study, design, and management requires the integration of knowledge from various disciplines including sustainability, technology and mathematics. In this first course, you will be introduced to the definition of a smart grid, its heterogeneity, dynamics, control, security and assessment strategies. The challenges associated with modelling such a system is also discussed. A group of researchers will introduce some of these topics in the first course of the series. The modelling aspects will be covered in the second course of this program. The course enables the learner to describe and assess a Smart Grid by adding controls, communication and other digital elements to make it more flexible, robust and efficient, as is required from an electrical power grid of the future.

The course follows a weekly/module structure, divided over six modules. Each module contains video lectures, reading material and quizzes. Further, some modules also have peer-graded analysis and practice activities.

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2. Learning objectives

So, what will you actually learn in this course? At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1.  Identify different tools and approaches to modelling a Smart Grid
  2. Apply Optimal Power Flow (OPF) solutions to evaluate the performance of a power system with renewable energy sources
  3. Analyze power system dynamics (frequency stability) to achieve active power balance, and
  4.   Identify control-room technologies for system-wide remote monitoring, protection, and risk management of smart grid cyber security

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3. What we expect from you

As an online student, we expect you to be an active participant in this course by contributing to a positive atmosphere. We want you to question, share and help others by engaging in meaningful discussions. This course is meant to be a place where you learn with and from others. In this sense, we would like you to experience collaboration and peer feedback, so please make sure you follow along with other participants in order to enrich the overall learning experience.

You are expected to follow forum and collaboration guidelines. Respect the course policies, academic integrity and most importantly your fellow students.

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4. What you can expect from us / the course team

The moderators and course team will guide you throughout the course by promoting and engaging in discussions. Guidance and support will happen regularly, at least once a day.

Response Time: We will try to respond to all your questions and posts within 72 hours. If this not possible for any reason, we will let you know.

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5. Course structure

The course is divided into six weekly modules, with an estimated workload of 4 hours per week. A summary of each module is provided below. Detailed instructions and resources will be provided throughout the course.

0. Getting Started 

In the Getting Started section, you will get to know the course structure, familiarize yourself with the virtual learning environment, complete your profile, meet your fellow students and the moderator. These introductory tasks should be completed at the beginning of the course, after your first login.

1. Modeling Smart Grids 

In this module, we will introduce the concept of a Smart Grid and the key role it will play in the transition to a sustainable energy future. We will also discuss its trans-disciplinary, complex nature and how one can model such a heterogeneous system. This module consists of video lectures and reading material. There is a graded multiple-choice quiz at the end of the module, which tests your understanding of the concepts covered during the week.

2. Optimal Power Flow (OPF)

In the second week, we will focus on the application of Optimal Power Flow (OPF) solutions to evaluate the performance of a power system with renewable energy sources. In this module, we attempt to answer questions such as :

  •     What is an optimization problem and how can it be applied to power systems?
  •      How can uncertainties be modelled?

In this module, the following terms may be used extensively: OPF and PPF. They refer to Optimal Power Flow and Probabilistic Power Flow respectively.

This module consists of video lectures, reading material, and practice activity. Along with a graded multiple-choice quiz at the end of the module, a graded practice activity is also present, which tests your analytical knowledge concerning the material of this module.

3. Power System Dynamics (PSD) 

 This module delves into the area of power system dynamics, which is crucial to ensure system operation. Broadly, we will deal with the following themes in this module:

  •       Understand and classify types of power system stability phenomena.
  •        Analyze two major types of stability: voltage and frequency stability.
  •        Understand the active power balance and frequency control.

Similar to module two, this module consists of video lectures, reading material, and graded activities. This includes a graded multiple-choice quiz at the end of the module, which tests your understanding of the concepts covered during the week. Furthermore, a graded practice activity and a peer review analysis are also present, which aims to test your knowledge by performing analysis.

4. Automation networks 

In this week, we will offer a brief introduction to Automation Networks; as communication is an integral part of a smart grid. Specifically, you will learn about the following topics:

  •  Types of networks and their attributes
  •  Different network protocols
  •  ISO-OSI reference model
  • Industrial automation networks with LonWorks as a case study
  • Automation network security

This module consists of video lectures and reading material. Similar to the previous modules, there is a graded multiple-choice quiz at the end of the module.

5. Wide Area Monitoring Protection and Control (WAMPAC) 

In this week, we will deal with the latest technologies that can enable an automatic and resilient electrical power grid. We will cover several topics namely:

  • Energy Management System (EMS)
  • Digital substations 
  • Synchronized Measurement Technology
  • Cyber Security in an EMS

This module consists of video lectures and reading material. A graded multiple-choice quiz is available at the end of the module, which tests your understanding of the concepts covered during the week.

6. Smart Grid Cyber Security 

In the final module, we will learn further about cybersecurity in smart grids. We will study several topics such as:

  • Cybersecurity risk assessment
  • Security index computation
  • Use of RTDS and simulation tools for analyzing the impact of an attack

Similar to the other modules, week 6 ends with a graded questionnaire that aims to check the learner's understanding of the subjects covered in the module.

7. Conclusion and Final Exam 

To conclude the course,  a summary of all the topics covered over the past six weeks is provided. The course culminates with a graded multiple-choice examination, which tests the learners' knowledge gained during this course.

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6. Resources, Tools & Browsers

All educational resources will be made available in the course content. They consist of short videos and readings to support you in the completion of the weekly learning activities.

We support the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

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7. Assessment & Certificate

Only verified participants have access to graded assignments. To complete the course successfully, you need to score at least 60%. All assignments are mandatory to pass the course successfully. Assessment criteria for the assignments are described in a detailed manner in the relevant places of the course. Verified participants can check their scores at any time under the Progress page of the course.

Your final grade is determined as follows:

    • Practice Activities = 10% weight (Modules 2 and 3)
    • Module Quizzes = 20% weight (All modules, except module 4)
    • Analysis: Peer Review = 25% weight (Module 3)
    • Final Exam = 45% weight (Multiple Choice Questions)

Upgrading to a Verified Certificate gives you:

      • a certificate if you have completed the course successfully;
      • access to graded assignments;
      • access to the archived version after the end date.

These certificates will indicate you have completed the course successfully, but will not include a specific grade. Certificates will be issued by edX under the name of DelftX, designating the institution from which the course originated.

These certificates will indicate you have successfully completed the course, but will not include a specific grade. Certificates will be issued by edX under the name of DelftX, designating the institution from which the course originated.

Do you need financial assistance? EdX offers up to a 90% discount on our verified certificates to learners who cannot afford to pay full price. Check the edX support page for financial assistance.

Generating an ID verified certificate

Verified certificates will be issued a few days after the end of the course, to all verified participants who completed the course successfully. Certificates can be downloaded from your student dashboard (look for the download button next to the name of the course). An ID verified Certificate of Achievement is available for $99. You can upgrade to verified status on your edX dashboard during the course. Once produced, a certificate cannot be reissued, hence you must verify how your name appears. Make sure that your name is correct in your account since it will appear on the final certificate.

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8. Honor's Pledge

I have read and agree to the Honor's Pledge.

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9. License

The course materials of this course are Copyright of the Delft University of Technology and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License.

If you choose to reuse or report Delft X course materials you must give proper attribution. Please utilize the following citation and refer to this MOOC:

"[TITLE OF WORK –with hyperlink to material] by TU Delft / [LECTURER NAME -with hyperlink to lecturers page] is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0. This material was created by or adapted from material posted on [TITLE MOOC- with link to MOOC start page].”

 Or if it is a derivative please use the following citation:

“This work [Your title] by [Your name] is a derivative of “TITLE OF WORK –with hyperlink to material] by TU Delft / [LECTURER NAME -with hyperlink to lecturers page] and (re)licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0. This material was created by or adapted from material posted on [TITLE MOOC- with link to MOOC page].”

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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