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Course Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below is a list of frequently asked questions (and answers!) that have been compiled around aspects of this course. We'll be updating this list regularly to reflect any common questions we receive from MKT1x course participants.  If you have a question, please post it into the 'Any Questions' discussion forum which we will check regularly.

Q1. How do I join the Google+ Community?

Q2. I live in China and can't access anything Google. How do I complete the activities?

Q3. I can't access anything on YouTube. How do I watch the videos?

Q4. What do I need to do to pass this course?

Q5. Does the Google+ post have to relate to digital branding and engagement?

Q1. How do I join the Google+ Community? 

A. Visit the 'Join the Google+ Community' page which provides step by step instructions on how to join.

Q2. I live somewhere where I can't access anything Google. How do I complete the activities?

A. Some students may not be able to access the Google+ Community page due to restrictions in their countries. However you can simply complete the activities by instead posting them to the relevant section of the Discussions area.  

Q3. I can't access anything on YouTube. How do I watch the videos?

A. Some students may not be able to access YouTube videos due to restrictions in their countries. However, you will still be able to download copies of the course videos (as .mp4s) via a link below each embedded video.

Screen grab showing where participants can download the video.

In addition, many external YouTube videos have been embedded throughout the course to showcase different brands and digital campaigns. As these videos have not been created by the course team, we are unable to provide you with a downloadable copy of the video. However, you can still access a video handout which provides a summary of the video content.    

Screen grab showing where participants can download video handouts.

Q4. What do I need to do to pass this course?

You need to gain a grade of 70% or higher to pass this course and gain your certificate of achievement (or verified certificate).

Assessment details are provided in the About this course > Assessment requirements page and in the Course Syllabus.

Q5. Does the Google+ post have to relate to digital branding and engagement?

A. Yes. Digital technology, digital branding and digital communication. Inbound marketing, content marketing, empowerment, owned media, earned media etc are all relevant topics. The Google+ Activity will specify exactly what type of content you need to share to the page, but think carefully about your target audience ie your peers. 

What will interest them. What haven't they seen before?