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1. How can I get technical help?

If you encounter any technical problem with the course (i.e., a link or video is not working, some feature is not appearing as it should, etc.), please contact us via e-mail ( and /or post in the Discussion forum (tab at the top of the window in the course website), and put the word STAFF in the title/subject line to help us identify and address your issue promptly.

2. Whom should I contact to report a mistake?

If you encounter a mistake in the content (i.e., you disagree with the answer given on a quiz or exercise), please contact us via e-mail (italianonline@wellesley.eduand /or post in the Discussion forum (tab at the top of the window in the course website), and put the word STAFF in the title/subject line to help us identify and address your issue promptly. 

3.  Can I enroll in more than one Italian course on edX? For example, can I enroll in the beginner and intermediate courses at the same time?

Yes, you may enroll in all three courses (beginner, intermediate, advanced) if you wish, and work towards a Verified Certificate of Completion for all or any of the three courses.

4. How long will the course be accessible on the edX platform?

Starting December 2018 edX has implemented a new policy regarding course access for learners on the Audit Track versus learners on the Verified track

 Click here to learn more about edX policy on course access.

3. What is the recommended time to complete the course?

The suggested time frame for completion is 12 weeks. 

4. Can the course be repeated or re-taken?

Yes, the course is self-paced allowing complete flexibility to repeat any or all parts of each lesson within the time frame of 12 weeks (if you are on the Audit track). If you are in the  Verified track you will have unlimited access to course material to brush up on what you have learned. However, the tests scores you have submitted the first time cannot be changed.

5. How can I determine the appropriate level (beginner, intermediate or advanced) to enroll in?

Generally speaking, if you have completed one or two years of Italian in high school, or one or two semesters at the university level, you should be ready for the intermediate course. If you have completed two or three years at the high school level or three/four semesters at the university level you should be ready for the advanced course.

If you are not sure, we recommend that you enroll in the beginner or intermediate level first, explore the content of that course, and decide whether you feel you are sufficiently familiar with that level to enroll in the higher level. You may also decide to enroll in all three levels at the start, and proceed through each level at the same time if you wish to review material in depth.

6. Can I start at any level or must the three courses (beginner, intermediate, advanced) be taken consecutively?

You may start at any level. When you are finished with one level, you may or may not decide to enroll in the next level. 

7. Can I enroll in the intermediate level without completing the beginner level, or in the advanced level without completing the intermediate level?

Yes, you may enroll and complete the courses in any order you wish.

8. Upon completion of the course, will I receive a Verified Certificate of completion?

You will receive a Verified Certificate of Completion provided you meet the course requirements (see syllabus by clicking the Syllabus tab at the top of the course page). You may decide to work towards a Verified Certificate of Completion at any point during the course by clicking "Upgrade to Verified" on your dashboard. The cost of the certificate is $49.

9. Can I receive a Verified Certificate of Completion after the course is archived?

No, enrollees are eligible to receive a Verified Certificate of Completion only during the period that the course is live on the edX platform (February 11th, 2019 - December 31st, 2020). 

10. Can the course be operated on a tablet or smart phone?  Is it necessary to have use of a computer?

The course is accessible on any device that allows internet access but some type of activities such as "drag and drop" do not work on touch screen devices.

11. How can I get this "drag and drop" activity to work on my tablet? 

We're afraid that the "drag and drop" exercises simply don't work on touchscreen devices, such as the iPad. This is an edX limitation. You will need to find a desktop or laptop computer to do any "drag and drop" exercises.

12. I cannot download the Podcasts and other audio files! 

You will be able to play and download all audio files in this course by using the browser Chrome. Unfortunately, Firefox and Safari allow you only to play the audio files but not to download them.