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IDT200x Instructional Design and Technology: Instructional Design Models

Rubric for Assessing Signature Assignment

We will use the rubric below to evaluate your signature assignment on your portfolio. You will create the Week 1 - 7 content through weekly activities and get feedback from your peers as you progress through each week. The Week 8 Signature Assignment is staff graded and includes a review of your Weeks 1 - 7 activities and an additional section for Week 8. 

Elements Meets Expectations (100%) Approaches Expectations (80%) Does Not Meet Expectations (50%)

Instructional Design Topic

(Week 1: 10%)

You provided a complete overview of the chosen topic (ethics, accessibility, AI) as indicated in the activity instructions. Two additional resources and implications for instructional design were presented using specific details. 

You provided a limited overview of the chosen topic (ethics, accessibility, AI) as indicated in the activity instructions. Two additional resources and implications for instructional design were presented using general details. 

Your topic overview is not clearly presented, and a significant amount of detail is missing. 


(Week 2: 10%)

You provided a complete overview of ADDIE as indicated in the activity instructions. Your opinion on its strengths, limitations, and implications for instructional design was presented using specific details.  You provided a limited overview of ADDIE as indicated in the activity instructions. Your opinion on its strengths, limitations, and implications for instructional design was presented using general details.  Your overview and opinion on the strengths, limitations, and implications for instructional design were not clearly presented. 

Dick and Carey

(Week 3: 10%)

You provided a complete overview of Dick and Carey as indicated in the activity instructions. Your opinion on its strengths, limitations, and implications for instructional design was presented using specific details.  You provided a limited overview of Dick and Carey as indicated in the activity instructions. Your opinion on its strengths, limitations, and implications for instructional design was presented using general details.  Your overview and opinion on the strengths, limitations, and implications for instructional design were not clearly presented. 

Understanding by Design (UbD) 

(Week 4: 10%)

You provided a complete overview of Understanding by Design (UbD) as indicated in the activity instructions. Your opinion on its strengths, limitations, and implications for instructional design was presented using specific details.  You provided a limited overview of UbD (Understanding by Design) as indicated in the activity instructions. Your opinion on its strengths, limitations, and implications for instructional design was presented using general details.  Your overview and opinion on the strengths, limitations, and implications for instructional design were not clearly presented. 

Rapid Instructional Design 

(Week 5: 10%)

You provided a complete overview of Rapid Instructional Design as indicated in the activity instructions. Your opinion on its strengths, limitations, and implications for instructional design was presented using specific details.  You provided a limited overview of Rapid Instructional Design as indicated in the activity instructions. Your opinion on its strengths, limitations, and implications for instructional design was presented using general details.  Your overview and opinion on the strengths, limitations, and implications for instructional design were not clearly presented. 

Successive Approximation Model (SAM)

(Week 6: 10%)

You provided a complete overview of the Successive Approximation Model (SAM) as indicated in the activity instructions. Your opinion on its strengths, limitations, and implications for instructional design was presented using specific details.

You provided a limited overview of the Successive Approximation Model (SAM) as indicated in the activity instructions. Your opinion on its strengths, limitations, and implications for instructional design was presented using general details. 

Your overview and opinion on the strengths, limitations, and implications for instructional design were not clearly presented. 

Outcomes vs. Objectives & Bloom's Taxonomy 

(Week 7: 10%)

You provided a complete overview of course learning outcomes vs. learning objectives (with examples) and Bloom's Taxonomy as indicated in the activity instructions.

You provided a limited overview of course learning outcomes vs. learning objectives (with examples) and Bloom's Taxonomy as indicated in the activity instructions. 

Your overviews and examples were not clearly presented.

Signature Assignment - Instructional Design Document

(Week 8: 25%)

Your signature assignment provides a complete overview of all the required elements in the Instructional Design Document:

  • Course Title
  • Course Overview
  • Knowledge Gap
  • Target Audience & Learner Profile
  • Course Type
  • Course Modality
  • Course Learning Outcomes
  • Module/Week/Lesson/Unit Objectives, Learning Activities, & Assessment Strategies
  • Subject Matter Expert/Resources
  • Instructional Design Model
  • Learning Theory

Your signature assignment provides a limited overview of all or most of the required elements in the Instructional Design Document:

  • Course Title
  • Course Overview
  • Knowledge Gap
  • Target Audience & Learner Profile
  • Course Type
  • Course Modality
  • Course Learning Outcomes
  • Module/Week/Lesson/Unit Objectives, Learning Activities, & Assessment Strategies
  • Subject Matter Expert/Resources
  • Instructional Design Model
  • Learning Theory

Significant content is missing, and/or there is no clear connection between the various elements of the Instructional Design Document.

Overall Presentation and Communication of Ideas
(Copyright, Grammar, and Mechanics): 5%

Few or no errors with grammar and mechanics.

All images and content adhere to copyright and are cited appropriately.

The portfolio is easy to navigate, with all sections clearly labeled.

Some errors in grammar and mechanics, but they do not distract from the overall message.

Most images and content adhere to copyright and are cited appropriately.

The portfolio is fairly easy to navigate, with some sections not clearly labeled.

Significant Errors in grammar and mechanics distract from the overall message.

Images and content do not adhere to copyright.

The portfolio is difficult to navigate, with most sections not clearly labeled.