This course's lectures run from May 01, 2018 - June 5, 2018 (lectures release weekly),
and the course ends on July 17, 2018.
Deadline for Verified Certificate: June 3, 2018
The homework sets are due at 23:30 UTC (!! Check your time zone and submit early! No late submissions are possible.)
29 May 2018 (Homework Session 1)
05 June 2018 (Homework Session 2)
12 June 2018 (Homework Session 3)
19 June 2018 (Homework Session 4)
26 June 2018 (Homework Session 5)
03 July 2018 (Homework Session 6)
Session 0: Course Welcome - May 01, 2018
0-1 Welcome & Greetings from Munich
0-2 Course Structure
0-3 HELLO! Getting to Know Each Other - Discussion Board Post!
Session 1: Introduction / Identification of Waste - May 01, 2018
1-1 LECTURE: Process Product Matrix
1-2 LECTURE: History of Lean Manufacturing: Toyota Production System
1-3 LECTURE: Productivity and Waste (7 Wastes)
1-4 GUEST LECTURE: 3 M's Mura, Muri, Muda (Jonathan Woolfrey, Center for Autonomous Systems, University of Technology, Sydney)
1-5 EXAMPLE: 7 Wastes in the Morning
1-6 PRACTICE: 7 Wastes
1 HOMEWORK: due May 29, 2018 23:30 UTC *Please check your time zone!
Session 2: Understanding Flow: Capacity Analysis - May 08, 2018
2-1 LECTURE: Process Flow Diagram
2-2 LECTURE: Capacity Analysis - Finding the Bottleneck
2-3 EXAMPLE: Capacity Analysis - Finding the Bottleneck
2-4: PRACTICE: Capacity Analysis and Utilization
2-5: LECTURE: Little's Law
2-6: LECTURE: Introducing Variability
2-7: LECTURE: Takt Time and Demand Management
2-8 PRACTICE: Little's Law, Variability, Takt Time, Demand Management
2 HOMEWORK: due June 05, 2018 23:30 UTC *Please check your time zone!
Session 3: Continuous Flow: Setup Time Reduction - May 15, 2018
3-1 LECTURE: Flow Interruptions: Setup Times
3-2 LECTURE: Flow Rate vs. Inventory
3-3 LECTURE: Reducing Setup Times
3-4 GUEST LECTURE: Total Productive Maintenance (Zubair Anwar, ASQ)
3-5 LECTURE: Overall Equipment Effectiveness
3-5-1 GUEST LECTURE: Overall Equipment Effectiveness - Industry Example (Zubair Anwar, ASQ)
3-6 PRACTICE: Capacity Calculations with Setups and Batches
3 HOMEWORK: due June 12, 2018 23:30 UTC *Please check your time zone!
Session 4: Improving Flow: Workplace Organization and Visualization - May 22, 2018
4-1 LECTURE: Workplace Visualization
4-2 CASE STUDY: Workplace Visualization in Sunglasses Production
4-3 GUEST LECTURE: 5S Introduction (Jeanie Lee, 3M)
4-4 GUEST LECTURE: 5S Sort (Jeanie Lee, 3M)
4-4 GUEST LECTURE: 5S Set In Order (Jeanie Lee, 3M)
4-5 GUEST LECTURE: 5S Shine (Jeanie Lee, 3M)
4-6 GUEST LECTURE: 5S Standardize (Jeanie Lee, 3M)
4-7 GUEST LECTURE: 5S Sustain (Jeanie Lee, 3M)
4-8 GUEST LECTURE: 5S Examples (Jeanie Lee, 3M)
4-9 GUEST LECTURE: 5S Summary (Jeanie Lee, 3M)
4-10 CASE STUDY: 5S at Maya's Desk
4-11 PRACTICE: Workplace Visualization and 5S
4 HOMEWORK: due June 19, 2018 23:30 UTC *Please check your time zone!
Session 5: Maintaining Flow: Establishing Pull Systems - Scheduling- May 29, 2017
5-1 LECTURE: Just-In-Time and the Push/Pull Concept
5-2 LECTURE: Scheduling: Pull Systems
5-3 LECTURE: Mixed-Model Production - Heijunka
5-4 LECTURE: Realizing Pull Scheduling - Kanban
5-5 CASE STUDY: Kanban Implementation in
SMEs: Case Study Imvelo
5-6 PRACTICE: Workplace Visualization and 5S
5 HOMEWORK: due June 26, 2018 23:30 UTC *Please check your time zone!
Session 6: Quality and Continuous Improvement - June 5, 2018
6-1 LECTURE: Preventing Defects
6-2 LECTURE: Quality and Flow
6-3 6-3 GUEST LECTURE: Continuous Improvement - The Toyota Way / 14 Principles of Lean (Jon Woolfrey, Center for Autonomous Systems, University of Technology, Sydney)
6-4 GUEST LECTURE: Kaizen Blitz (Zubair Anwar, ASQ)
6-5 GUEST LECTURE: Poka Yoke (Jonathan Woolfrey, Center for Autonomous Systems, University of Technology, Sydney)
6-6 LECTURE: Lean and Six-Sigma - Partners for Quality and Productivity: Roots and Development (Dr. Reiner Hutwelker, Master Black Belt)
6-7 LECTURE: Lean and Six-Sigma - Partners for Quality and Productivity: Comparison (Dr. Reiner Hutwelker, Master Black Belt)
6-8 PRACTICE: Quality and Flow, Continuous Improvement, Kaizen Blitz, Poka Yoke, Six Sigma and Lean
6-9 Course Close
6 HOMEWORK: due July 03, 2018 23:30 UTC *Please check your time zone!