Climate and Climate Change
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Climate change
1.2 Why to care about climate change
1.3 Climate system construction
1.4 Energy balances
1.5 Global circulation systems
1.6 Feedback mechanisms and the carbon cycle
Observing and Measuring Anthropogenic Climate Change
2.1 Atmospheric greenhouse gas
2.2 Modern surface temperature trends
2.3 Oceans
2.4 Extreme weather
2.5 Sea ice, glaciers & global sea level
2.6 Paleoclimate evidence
Modeling the Climate System: Basics
3.1 Climate modeling
3.2 Zero-dimensional energy model
3.3 0d-EBM demonstration
3.4 Climate sensitivity
Modeling the Climate System: Advanced
4.1 1-dimensional energy balance models
4.2 Case Study
4.3 General circulation
4.4 Validating climate
4.5 Detecting climate change
4.6 Interpreting climate sensitivity
Carbon Emission Scenarios
5.1 Emissions Scenarios
5.2 Stabilizing CO2
Applying Climate Models: Projected Changes in the Climate System
6.1 Surface temperature projections
6.2 Changes in global precipitation and drought
6.3 Atmospheric circulation changes
6.4 Melting cryosphere
6.5 Sea level projections
6.6 Tropical cyclone and hurricane projections
6.7 Extreme weather projections
Climate Change Impacts
7.1 Carbon cycle feedbacks
7.2 Coastal impacts
7.3 Ecosystems and biodiversity
7.4 Shifting food resources
7.5 Human health impacts
7.6 Security concerns
7.7 Tipping points
Our Path Forward
8.1 Geoengineering: A scientist’s perspective (1)
8.2 Geoengineering: A scientist’s perspective (2)
8.3 Emissions reductions
8.4 Conclusion