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BIOC372x Team

Alma Moon Novotny Alma Moon Novotny has a PhD from Purdue University. She taught for nearly 20 years in various schools of the University of Houston system, and for the last 12 years at Rice University. She has written questions for both the MCAT and for the GRE Advanced Exam in Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology and has several published test banks.

Dr. Novotny would like recognize the following for their contributions to the development and management of the course.

PhotoTeam MemberBioContribution
Chong Zhou Chong Zhou recently graduated magna cum laude from Rice University with a degree in Biochemistry and Cell Biology. As an undergraduate researcher at University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, he studied the role of microRNAs in hepatic differentiation and hepatocellular carcinoma. Currently working as the Rice Online liaison for this course, he works to promote open access of the classroom to bridge the gaps that exist between higher education and the future workforce. Rice Online; Project Manager and Developer
David Wang David Wang is a Senior at Rice University who is currently pursuing a B.S. in Biochemistry and Cell Biology. As a former student of Dr. Novotny, he served as a TA for the previous run of her edX immunology course. Additionally, David has also assisted as a TA in Rice's PHYS102x (Electricity and Magnetism) course on edX. Lead TA and Developer, Subject Matter Expert
Andie Eikenberg Andie Eikenberg recently graduated Suma Cum Laude from Rice University with a degree in Visual and Dramatic Arts. She has worked with companies such as the Houston Dynamo and Love Advertising, and is excited to bring her passion for film to Rice Online. Video Producer
Ed Novotny Ed Novotny retired after over 30 years as an engineer and manager at Exxon-Mobil and currently volunteers at the Houston Zoo, works on creative projects and spoils his granddaughters. Photographs and PowerPoint Animations
Teja Dasari Teja is a senior at Rice studying Biochemistry and Cell Biology. He is a veteran of Dr. Novotny’s Immunology course at Rice, and he plans to stick with the course going forward as a TA. He conducts epigenetics research at the Houston VA Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine, and he is the Breakthroughs Editor of Rice’s undergraduate scientific journal, Catalyst. In his free time, you can find him either on the basketball court or reading esoteric immunology texts to stay on top of his game. Forum Moderator
Jacob Smith Jake Smith is a senior at Rice University and plans to major in Biochemistry and Cell Biology. He currently does research in the GI department at Texas Children’s Hospital. On campus, he is involved with Chi Alpha and is also involved with Be the Match. Outside of school, he is one of seven children and lives in Tucson, Arizona. Upon completion of undergraduate studies, Jake plans to attend medical school and hopes to become an Infectious Disease Specialist and work as a medical missionary in South or Central America. Forum Moderator
Lindsy Pang Lindsy Pang is a current senior at Rice University studying Psychology and Biochemistry and Cell Biology. She first gained interest in immunology when she learned about her own myriad allergies. Since then, she continued to explore the field through conducting NK cell research at Texas Children's Hospital, shadowing allergist and immunologists, and taking Dr. Novotny's immunology class. Forum Moderator
Melissa Kok Melissa Kok is a sophomore at Rice University. She took Dr. Novotny's Immunology course at Rice during fall 2014 and is currently serving as a TA. She was inspired to continue pursuing a BS in Biochemistry and Cell Biology because of how interesting, intellectually stimulating, and relevant she found the material in Immunology. She enthusiastically recommends the course to her peers and views Immunology as one of the highlights of her freshman year. Forum Moderator
Chris Liu Chris is an undergraduate at Rice University majoring in Biochemistry and is a former BIOC 372 student. Currently conducting research exploring the 3D organization of the genome and its effects on gene regulation in different organisms, he is interested in pursuing a M.D. after graduation Forum Moderator

Other contributors Dr. Novotny would like to recognize include our emerita artists Lucia (Yeo Ji) Lee (not pictured), Marie-Therese Valovska, Daisy Chung and Anna Troshkina.

Dr. Novotny would also like recognize the following individual for generously allowing use of their images and animations:

Scott Barnum, PhD., Department of Microbiology, Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham

Janet Braam, PhD., Department of Biosciences, Rice University

Wei Wei Zhong, PhD., Department of Biosciences, Rice University

Daniel Wagner, PhD., Department of Biosciences, Rice University