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Course Run

ECE 69502: Quantum Detectors and Sensors (2T2024)

Course Syllabus (PDF)


Zubin Jacob, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University


This course is ideally suited for both industry practitioners and university students with a curiosity to understand quantum technology. It assumes a very basic undergraduate level of knowledge of differential equations and teaches foundational concepts underlying modern quantum technology. Those pursuing a career in various industries related to emerging computing platforms (quantum/neuromorphic), defense/reconnaissance/surveillance systems, next generation hyperspectral imaging, information/communication systems, AI/machine perception will benefit from understanding fundamental advantages offered by quantum detectors and sensors. 

Course Description

Learners will experience an overview of foundational ideas on which future quantum technology will be built. This course introduces the knowledge that will empower students to understand the difference between the quantum and classical realms. Specifically, this course teaches the concept of quantum detectors, which are central to a wide variety of quantum technologies from computing to networking. Students will also learn about quantum sensors and how they push the frontiers of existing classical sensor technology. Students can expect to learn skills for designing next generation information/communication/imaging systems that exploit unique functionality of quantum detectors and sensors.


    • Basic knowledge of differential equations
    • Basic knowledge of electromagnetic fields

Course Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, you will be able to:

    • Identify the fundamental differences between classical noise and quantum fluctuations in physical quantities (Quantum noise)
    • Define the concept of coherence in space and time through the example of light (Quantum coherence)
    • Describe the next generation of ultra-precision measurement tools (Quantum metrology)
    • Design new systems for imaging, communications and a host of other applications exploiting superior detector technology (Quantum detectors)
    • Recognize the fundamental limits of classical sensors and how to overcome them using quantum phenomena (Quantum sensing)

Required Text and Materials

  • Required text: There is no required textbook for this course. Students will find the material covered in the course and provided references to be self-contained. The slides contain references to specific books and research papers.
  • Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is allowed in this course. 


This course will be graded based on the following criteria:


Assessment Type





% of Final Grade

Homework Assignments

There will be three (3) homework assignments of equal weight. Homework assignments will involve problem-solving based on material covered in the lectures.


Midterm Exam

There will be one (1) midterm exam. The midterm exam will be open book/open notes.


Final Exam

There will be one (1) final exam. The final exam will be open book/open notes.


Grading Scale

Your course grade will be based on the following grading scale: 95-100% A+; 90-95% A; 85-90% A-; 75-85% B+; 70-75% B; 65-70% B-; 60-65% C+; 55-60% C; 50-55% C-; 48-50% D+; 46-48% D; 45-46% D-; <45% F.

Estimated Effort

    • 6-9 hours/week
    • 16 weeks total


Content: English   |   Videos: English   |   Transcripts: English

Course Difficulty

    • Advanced

Enrollment Tracks

    • Audit - Freely experience the course during the preview period. 
    • Verified – Access all course materials and graded assessments. Receive a verified certificate by passing the course with a final grade of 45%.

Quantum Technology: Detectors and Sensing MicroMasters® Certificate Policy

To complete the MicroMasters program you must:

Pursue a Master's Degree: edX Certificate to Credit

    • A certificate from this course may transfer as credit to the Purdue online MSECE if you apply and are accepted. Visit the Purdue online MSECE program page to learn more.

Course Help

To get help with course content, comment in the discussion forums located in each unit. By commenting in the unit discussion forums, the course team will be able to respond to your question more quickly.

Discussion Guidelines

Please follow the Discussion Guidelines when contributing to discussions in this course. Here are a few of the key points you should remember:

    • Do not use offensive language. Present ideas appropriately.
    • Be cautious in using Internet language. For example, do not capitalize all letters since this suggests shouting.
    • Avoid using vernacular or slang language. This could possibly lead to misinterpretation.
    • Do not hesitate to ask for feedback.
    • Be concise and to the point.
    • Think and edit before you push the “Send” button. 

Technical Help

If you experience technical difficulties with the edX platform, contact edX Support using: 

Accessibility Support

    • See Accessibility tab

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is one of the highest values that Purdue University holds. Individuals are encouraged to alert university officials to potential breaches of this value by either emailing or by calling 765-494-8778. While information may be submitted anonymously, the more information that is submitted provides the greatest opportunity for the university to investigate the concern.

The Purdue Honor Pledge 

“As a boilermaker pursuing academic excellence, I pledge to be honest and true in all that I do. Accountable together - we are Purdue"

Nondiscrimination Statement

Purdue University is committed to maintaining a community which recognizes and values the inherent worth and dignity of every person; fosters tolerance, sensitivity, understanding, and mutual respect among its members; and encourages each individual to strive to reach his or her own potential. In pursuit of its goal of academic excellence, the University seeks to develop and nurture diversity. The University believes that diversity among its many members strengthens the institution, stimulates creativity, promotes the exchange of ideas, and enriches campus life.  Link to Purdue’s nondiscrimination policy statement.

Course Evaluation

At the end of the course, you will be provided with an opportunity to evaluate this course and your instructor. Your participation is an integral part of this course, and your feedback is vital to improving education at Purdue University. I strongly urge you to participate in the Qualtrics survey.


This syllabus is subject to change.