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Course Development Team

Instructor and Course Designer

Maria Garlock, Associate Professor, Princeton University

Course Production

        • Mona Fixdal — Instructional Designer
        • Laura Shaddock — Associate Director

Video Production

        • Lance Herrington — Senior Video Producer
        • Lisa Jackson — Senior Video Producer

Structural Studies Development

        • Maria Dolores Gomez Pulido — Universidad San Pablo CEU (Spain)
        • Tracy Huynh — Graduate Student
        • Negar Elhami Khorasani — Graduate Student
        • Ignacio Payá  Zaforteza — Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain)

Knowledge Checks and Creative Challenges

        • Jeffrey Anderson — Graduate Student
        • Max Coar — Graduate Student
        • Tracy Huynh — Graduate Student
        • Xi Li — Graduate Student
        • Olek Niewiarowski — Teaching Assistant

Bridges and Engineers Pages & All-Round Course Assistants

        • Marta Cabral — Undergraduate Student
        • Alexus Fraser — Undergraduate Student 
        • Soraya Nunez — Undergraduate Student 
        • Diana Turbayne — Undergraduate Student
        • Yuanyuan Zhao — Undergraduate Student

Image Credits and Scanning 

        • Kimberly Perez — Undergraduate Student
        • Catherine Ariadne (Ari) Mytelka — Undergraduate Student

Consultant on Course Development

        • Jeff Himpele — Director of Teaching Initiative

Consultant on Structural Studies 

        • Juan Jose Jorquera-Lucerga — Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Spain)

Consultants for the Golden Gate Bridge Lecture

        • Jorge Lee — Senior Civil Engineer, Golden Gate Bridge
        • David P. Billington — Professor of Engineering, Emeritus  
        • David Billington Jr. — Independent Historian of Engineering

Discussion Forum Moderators

Chances are you'll run into the following people in the discussion forums:

        • Maria Garlock (MEMG) — Instructor
        • Tracy Huynh — Teaching Assistant
        • Max Coar (maxwell_coar) — Teaching Assistant
        • Xi Li — Teaching Assistant
        • Olek Niewiarowski — Teaching Assistant
        • Jeffrey Anderson — Teaching Assistant
        • Mona Fixdal (MonaF) — Instructional/course Designer