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General FAQ

1. What is a self-paced MOOC?

A self-paced MOOC is a massive online course (Massive Online Open Course or MOOC), which is characterized by having content available for a period of time that fluctuates between 3 and 9 months. This is different from an instructor-paced MOOC, where the content is displayed weekly for a period of time between 4 and 7 weeks, that is, for the exact amount of time it takes for the course to be completed.

In a self-paced MOOC, students can register at any time during the publication of the course and the period of time in which it remains open. In other words, they do not necessarily have to start when the course opens. Learning is self-directed and independent, so each participant defines their "own rhythm (self-paced)" to complete it. As a result, you will have more time to carry out the course activities and obtain your verified certificate.

2. What is the difference between taking the course in the Audit Track (assistant mode) versus the Verified Track (verified certificate mode)?

  • Audit Track: This option allows you to access the course materials for a limited time, free of charge. However, you will not be able to complete the evaluated activities or obtain a certificate at the end of the course.
  • Verified Track: You will have unlimited access to all the course contents, including the evaluated activities. In addition, you will be eligible to obtain a verified certificate.

3. How long will I have access to the course?

If you registered under the “verified certificate” track, you can complete the graded activities until the closing date (February 04th, 2022), but you will have access for an unlimited time. Even after the course ends, you can still access the platform and review the study materials.

If you registered under the "audit" track, you can complete the course during 10 weeks from the day you subscribed. (If there is less than 10 weeks until the end of the course when you enrolled to it, you will have the time left until the course ends).

Throughout the course, you will be informed of when your access expires. Take the opportunity to review or download the materials of your interest before that day. Remember to check the customized schedule in the tab dates

4. If I initially chose to take the course as an Audit Track mode, can I change to a Verified Track?

Yes, you have until January 26th, 2022 at 18:59, Washington D.C. (January 26th, 2022 at 23:59 UTC time) to make the change.

5. How do I get a certificate of completion?

Accessing the course training contents is totally free. However, in order to obtain a certificate of completion, you must be registered under the "verified certificate" track and met the following requirements:

  1. Achieve a final grade of 65% or more.
  2. Pay the corresponding fee for each course.
  3. Perform the edX identity verification process correctly, following the instructions in this guide.

6. When and how will my certificate of completion and my digital badge be available?

The certificate of completion and the digital badge will be available to the participants in "Verified certificate" mode, only you are registered in this mode and if you achieved the minimum required score (65/100 points), paid the course fee and completed the identity verification process, you can download your certificate from your edX account ("Dashboard" section) immediately after you approve in the course. Keep in mind that no certificate of any kind will be sent to your home or mail.

You will also receive a digital badge. For all the courses of this year 2021, the IDBx team will send the digital badges in bulk on three dates:

  • If you obtained your certificate before May 26th, you would receive your badge in June, 2021.
  • If you obtained your certificate between May 26th and September 29th, you would receive your badge in October, 2021.
  • If you obtained your certificate between September 29th and February 04th, 2022, you would receive your badge in March, 2022.

7. Which is the deadline to complete the coursework?

If you registered in the Verified Track , you must complete the activities and answer the questionnaires no later than February 04th, 2022 at 11:59 pm, Washington D.C. time (February 05th, 2022, 4:59 am UTC time); the date the course ends.

8. Can I change my answer to a question from the questionnaire after I check it?

You have two opportunities to answer the questions on the evaluation questionnaires.

9. In some courses, why does a small pencil image appear on a notebook under some course subsections, on the course’s home page?

It means that this subsection contains at least one evaluation. You have time to answer all the questions in the course until February 04th, 2022 at 11:59 pm, Washington D.C. time (February 05th, 2022, 4:59 am UTC time); the date the course will end.

10. Will I get my money back if I change my mind after paying for my certificate?

To do this, you must write directly to explaining your case. Do not forget to include the payment reference number (order number) and please do not provide information about the card used for the transaction.