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PH425x: MalariaX: Defeating Malaria from the Genes to the Globe

Course Instructors

Pedro Alonso, Marcia Castro, Flaminia Catteruccia, Matthias Marti, Michael R. Reich, Marcel Tanner, Sarah Volkman, Dyann F. Wirth

Course Description

How can we eradicate malaria? Explore the scientific and technological underpinnings of malaria, as well as the historical, political, social, and economic contexts in which control, elimination, and eradication efforts unfold.

Through foundational lectures and supplemental interviews, this course provides participants with a toolbox of knowledge and skills. Learners will be guided through the analysis of real-world data and its effective use in problem-solving. Analytical approaches focus on how to develop and implement evidence-based intervention strategies to contribute to national and local malaria eradication efforts.

The target audience for the course includes those with an interest in gaining the technical expertise and leadership skills needed to work in global health and malaria programs around the world.

What You'll Learn

    • The biology of the malaria parasite, the mosquito vector, and the human host
    • The challenges of eradicating malaria in complex ecosystems
    • Scientific and technological approaches for malaria control and elimination
    • Historical, political, social, and economic contexts of malaria control, elimination, and eradication efforts
    • How health systems effectively monitor and respond to malaria


HarvardX pursues the science of learning. When you participate in this course, you will also participate in research about learning. Read our research statement to learn more.

Course Structure

This is a self-paced course. Materials for all eight modules are accessible to you now and will available until January 31, 2018.


There are three graded components to the course:

    1. Quizzes, which follow most videos. Cumulatively, the quizzes are worth 30% of your final grade.
    2. End of module exams, which occur at the end of each of the eight course modules. Cumulatively, the end of module exams are worth 30% of your final grade.
    3. The final exam, which is at the end of the course. The final exam is worth 40% of your final grade.

All other course components are ungraded.


You must sign up for a Verified Certificate by January 19, 2018 in order to be eligible to earn a certificate.

The quizzes, end of module exams, and final exam total 100% credit. If you achieve a cumulative score of 70% or greater (out of 100) and sign up for a Verified Certificate before the deadline, you will receive a certificate for the course. When you reach this point, you will see a "Request Certificate" option appear on the Progress page!

Course Outline

Module 1: Setting the Stage for Malaria Elimination

The course begins with the “big picture.” In the lecture, Dr. Pedro Alonso, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Malaria Programme, offers an overview of the progress made – as well as challenges encountered – in malaria control and towards malaria elimination over the past decade. The module contextualizes these trends in WHO’s ongoing transition from promoting a one-size-fits-all strategy to tailoring approaches according to local and regional epidemiological, environmental, and political contexts. 

Module 2: The Biology of Malaria

This module provides foundational scientific knowledge for the course, including important biological aspects of the malaria parasite, the mosquito vector, and the human host. In this module’s lecture, Professor Dyann F. Wirth begins with a brief overview of how malaria came to be understood, then goes into detail on the parasite’s life cycle, how malaria affects humans, and the existing and sought-after tools to prevent and treat malaria. Finally, Professor Wirth reviews global endeavors to eradicate malaria. 

Module 3: Vector Biology and the Dynamics of Malaria Transmission

This module focuses on the Anopheles mosquitos that are the vector that transmits malaria to humans. Professor Flaminia Catteruccia discusses biological and anatomical features of mosquitos that influence how the parasite is acquired from humans, develops in the mosquito, and is transmitted back to humans. Professor Catteruccia then discusses how current vector control strategies work, why they fail, and how improved understanding of vector biology can lead to improved vector and parasite control strategies.  

Module 4: The Dynamics of Malaria Transmission

In the fourth module, the course delves deeper into the malaria transmission cycle, including how it can be interrupted. Professor Matthias Marti examines the cycle of malaria parasite transmission between humans and mosquitos, including mechanisms of parasite sequestration in the human body, and examines the life cycle of the parasite in the mosquito. The module then applies these concepts to examine the dynamics of infectiousness and transmission. Finally, natural transmission-blocking mechanisms are considered in the context of the ongoing development of vaccines against malaria. 

Module 5: Genomic Approaches to Malaria Elimination

This course module introduces learners to the contributions of the burgeoning field of genomics to understanding and controlling malaria. After introducing key genetic principles, Dr. Sarah Volkman uses data on genetics from Senegal, Panama, and Mozambique to describe how parasite populations are changing. Currently available genomic tools and methods, along with their application to inform key questions about malaria transmission, prevention, and treatment, are discussed. 

Module 6: Social, Cultural, Behavioral, and Environmental Determinants of Malaria

In the sixth module, the course’s focus shifts from the microscopic genes to a more global perspective. Using a systemic view of malaria, the module describes human and environmental factors that influence how malaria is manifested and how control efforts work. Professor Marcia Castro discusses various components of global ‘systems’ that enable the continued existence of malaria, and presents historical examples that exemplify the importance of these components. Professor Castro also describes the challenges and the opportunities in the struggle to eradicate malaria that these human and environmental factors create.

Module 7: Political Analysis for Malaria

In this module, the course presents another analytical approach that has been repeatedly shown to be necessary for successful malaria programming, as well as for public health more broadly. Professor Michael R. Reich approaches the topic of malaria control and eradication policy from the realm of politics. This module provides overviews of principles of applied political analysis and analysis methods that can be used to promote appropriate policy reforms. Professor Reich walks through the use of PolicyMaker, a free open-source political analysis software, analyzing case studies including one on the Affordable Medicines for Malaria Facility (AMFm). 

Module 8: Malaria Control and Elimination: Surveillance-Response Approaches

This module discusses disease surveillance, a health system function essential to malaria elimination. Surveillance, finding where and when transmission of infectious diseases takes place, is critical for deciding where to target public health actions. In the lecture, Professor Marcel Tanner provides an in-depth examination of how to use monitoring and evaluation (M&E), surveillance-response, and data analysis effectively for malaria control and elimination. Using case studies from Zambia, China, the Pacific Islands, and Tanzania, the module provides practical guidance on developing surveillance-response approaches and discusses how surveillance systems can be incorporated into public health programs.


What is the deadline to sign up for a Verified Certificate?

January 19, 2018 23:59 UTC

How do I earn a certificate?

To earn a certificate, you must sign up for a Verified Certificate by the January 19 deadline and earn a grade of at least 70%. When you achieve this score, an option will appear on the Progress page to request a certificate. For more information, click on this link. Caution: the grade that you see on your dashboard reflects your grade at that time you requested the certificate. If you complete more assignments to raise your grade, the grade on your Progress page changes, but the grade listed on your dashboard is not updated.

How do I upgrade to a Verified Certificate?

Go to your edX Dashboard (by clicking the edX icon at the top left of this page). Under this course, click the "Challenge Yourself!" link. The last day to sign up for a Verified Certificate is January 19, 2018.

How long does the course take?

That is up to you! It is 8 weeks of contentJust be aware that the course closes on January 31, 2018!

I am doing well on the assessments, but when I look under "Progress" I have a very low grade...why?

The grade is calculated based on all of the assessments you have completed and the assessments that you have not completed (edX says you have a "zero" on those assessments until you have attempted them). You will see your overall grade move up as you progress through the course.