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Course ReaDINGS

The course readings are drawn from a variety of sources. They include outcomes of major international meetings and conferences, scholarly writings, excerpts of reports by international organizations, WEIS papers, and cutting-edge reflections on current affairs.
The course readings are designed to provide the necessary background information for the various speaker presentations as well as, present a spectrum of opinions, philosophies and perspectives on the economics of cybersecurity in a range of conflicts and situations.

For Week 1

An overview of the field

History of information security economics

Not required reading, but if you want to get a bit more background on the economic concepts we are using

  • The classic paper on the tragedy of the commons: G. Hardin, The Tragedy of the commons, Science, 1968.
  • The classic paper on information asymmetry: A. Akerlof, The market for ‘lemons’: quality uncertainty and the market mechanism,  In Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1970
  • If need more basic information about concepts like 'marginal cost' and 'diminishing (marginal) returns on investment', you can find numerous online sources. There are also online courses providing an introduction to microenonomics. A recent one that looks promising it by Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok, though not all lectures are available yet: Introduction to Microeconomics, Marginal Revolution University,  2015

For Week 2

Measuring cybersecurity

For Week 3

For Week 4

Strongly suggested readings:

Optional readings:

For Week 5

Websites of interest