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The weekly content only needs to be downloaded once you reach the respective week - don't download these in advance!

Each week content may include new versions of files/packages from previous weeks, always overwrite with the new version.

Any changes or additional files you've created, should be backed up before downloading the new week files.

When you download the contents for a week, some files that you might see in the instruction videos are already provided.  It is not necessary to create files that are already given to you.

Week 1 contents

All the files you need to work with for Week1 of the course are available in the zip file

Extract the contents of the zip file into $HOME/hrwros_ws/src/

After the above step, your folder structure under $HOME/hrwros_ws/src should look like this:

  • hrwros
      • hrwros_week1
      • hrwros_msgs
  • hrwros_assignments
      • hrwros_week1_assignment

Run the following commands in the CCS terminal

  source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
cd $HOME/hrwros_ws
catkin build
source $HOME/hrwros_ws/devel/setup.bash

Week 2 contents

All the files you need to work with for Week 2 of the course are available in this zip file: (~3.2 MB) .

As explained in Week 1, the exact location of ROS packages is unimportant, as long as they are in the src space of your workspace.

In this week we're going to make use of that, by placing the new packages directly in the src space, instead of in a sub directory.

Extract the contents of the zip file into $HOME/hrwros_ws/src.

Always overwrite all the previous content!

After the above step, your folder structure under $HOME/hrwros_ws/src should look like this:

  • hrwros
      • hrwros_week1
      • hrwros_msgs
  • hrwros_support
  • hrwros_assignments
        • hrwros_week1_assignment
        • hrwros_week2_assignment

Now run the following commands in the CCS terminal:

  source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
cd $HOME/hrwros_ws
catkin clean -y
catkin build
source $HOME/hrwros_ws/devel/setup.bash

At this point you are all setup to continue with Week 2 of the course and you can use the CCS as normal.

Week 3 contents

All the files you need to work with for Week 3 of the course are available in this zip file: (~2.9 MB) .


The downloads for Week3 will overwrite the contents of the hrwros_support package that you had received in Week2.
Make sure you have submitted the assignments of week2 before downloading this.

If you want to retain some of those changes, make sure to back them up properly. We are not responsible if you lose any local development you had inside the hrwros_support package.

Extract the contents of the zip file to your $HOME/hrwros_ws/src/. If it warns you folders and files will be overwritten, select Replace All.

After the above step, your folder structure under $HOME/hrwros_ws/src should look like this:

  • hrwros
      • hrwros_week1
      • hrwros_msgs
  • hrwros_support
  • hrwros_gazebo
  • hrwros_week3
  • hrwros_assignments
        • hrwros_week1_assignment
        • hrwros_week2_assignment
        • hrwros_week3_assignment

Now run the following commands in the CCS terminal:

  source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
cd $HOME/hrwros_ws
catkin clean -y
catkin build
source $HOME/hrwros_ws/devel/setup.bash

At this point you are all setup to continue with Week 3 of the course and you can use the CCS as normal.

Week 4 contents

All the files you need to work with for Week 4 of the course are available in this zip file: (~170 KB) .


The downloads for Week4 will overwrite the contents of the hrwros_gazebo package that you had received in Week3.
Make sure you have submitted the assignments of week3 before downloading this.

If you want to retain some of those changes, make sure to back them up properly. We are not responsible if you lose any local development you had inside the hrwros_gazebo package.

Extract the contents of the zip file to your $HOME/hrwros_ws/src/. If it warns you folders and files will be overwritten, select Replace All.

After the above step, your folder structure under $HOME/hrwros_ws/src should look like this:

  • hrwros
      • hrwros_week1
      • hrwros_msgs
  • hrwros_support
  • hrwros_gazebo
  • hrwros_week3
  • hrwros_week4
  • hrwros_assignments
        • hrwros_week1_assignment
        • hrwros_week2_assignment
        • hrwros_week3_assignment
        • hrwros_week4_assignment
        • week4_moveit_config

Now run the following commands in the CCS terminal:

  source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
cd $HOME/hrwros_ws
catkin clean -y
catkin build
source $HOME/hrwros_ws/devel/setup.bash

At this point you are all setup to continue with Week 4 of the course and you can use the CCS as normal.

Week 5 contents

All the files you need to work with for Week 5 of the course are available in this zip file: (~1.8 MB) .


  • The downloads for Week5 will overwrite the contents of the hrwros_gazebo package that you had in previous weeks.
  • The downloads for Week5 will overwrite the contents of the hrwros_moveit_config package that you created in week 4. It will provide a common ground for the lectures and assignments.
Make sure you have submitted the assignments of week4 before downloading this.

If you want to retain some of those changes, make sure to back them up properly. We are not responsible if you lose any local development you had in those packages.

Extract the contents of the zip file to your $HOME/hrwros_ws/src/. If it warns you folders and files will be overwritten, select Replace All.

After the above step, your folder structure under $HOME/hrwros_ws/src should look like this:

  • hrwros
      • hrwros_week1
      • hrwros_msgs
  • hrwros_support
  • hrwros_gazebo
  • hrwros_week3
  • hrwros_week4
  • hrwros_week5
  • hrwros_moveit_config
  • hrwros_assignments
        • hrwros_week1_assignment
        • hrwros_week2_assignment
        • hrwros_week3_assignment
        • hrwros_week4_assignment
        • hrwros_week5_assignment
        • week4_moveit_config

Now run the following commands in the CCS terminal:

  source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
cd $HOME/hrwros_ws
catkin clean -y
catkin build
source $HOME/hrwros_ws/devel/setup.bash

At this point you are all setup to continue with Week 5 of the course and you can use the CCS as normal.

Week 6 contents

All the files you need to work with for Week 6 of the course are available in this zip file: (~1.8 MB) .


  • The downloads for Week6 will overwrite the contents of the hrwros_gazebo package that you had in previous weeks.
Make sure you have submitted the assignments of week5 before downloading this.

If you want to retain some of those changes, make sure to back them up properly. We are not responsible if you lose any local development you had in those packages.

Extract the contents of the zip file to your $HOME/hrwros_ws/src/. If it warns you folders and files will be overwritten, select Replace All.

After the above step, your folder structure under $HOME/hrwros_ws/src should look like this:

  • hrwros
      • hrwros_week1
      • hrwros_msgs
  • hrwros_factory_behaviors
  • hrwros_factory_states
  • hrwros_support
  • hrwros_gazebo
  • hrwros_week3
  • hrwros_week4
  • hrwros_week5
  • hrwros_week6
  • hrwros_moveit_config
  • hrwros_assignments
        • hrwros_week1_assignment
        • hrwros_week2_assignment
        • hrwros_week3_assignment
        • hrwros_week4_assignment
        • hrwros_week5_assignment
        • week4_moveit_config

Now run the following commands in the CCS terminal:

  source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
cd $HOME/hrwros_ws
catkin clean -y
catkin build
source $HOME/hrwros_ws/devel/setup.bash

At this point you are all setup to continue with Week 6 of the course and you can use the CCS as normal.