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Course description

Struggling with data at work? Wasting valuable time working in multiple spreadsheets to gain an overview of your business? Find it hard to gain sharp insights from piles of data on your desktop?

If you are looking to enhance your efficiency in the office and improve your performance by making sense of data faster and smarter, then this advanced data analysis course is for you.

If you have already sharpened your spreadsheet skills in EX101x Data Analysis: Take It to the MAX(), this course will help you dig deeper. You will learn advanced techniques for robust data analysis in a business environment. This course covers the main tasks required from data analysts today, including importing, summarizing, interpreting, analyzing and visualizing data. It aims to equip you with the tools that will enable you to be an independent data analyst. Most techniques will be taught in Excel with add-ons and free tools available online. We encourage you to use your own data in this course but if not available, the course team can provide.

EX102x will be created using Excel 2013, but the course can be followed using another spreadsheet program as well.

The goal of this course is it to help you to overcome data analysis challenges in your work, research or studies. Therefore we encourage you to participate actively and to raise real data analysis problems that you face in our discussion forums. 

Course Staff

Felienne Hermans

Felienne Hermans
Felienne Hermans is an assistant professor at Delft University of Technology. Her team at the Spreadsheet Lab works on making spreadsheets better by designing tools to test and improve them. One of Felienne’s biggest passions in life is to share her enthusiasm for programming with others. Therefore she co-organizes the yearly “Joy of Coding” conference in the Netherlands and teaches robotics at a community center every Saturday.

Jesse Donkervliet

Jesse Donkervliet
Jesse Donkervliet is a second year Master Student Computer Science at Delft University of Technology. Having assisted with many Bachelor courses, he is very excited to increase the scale through his involvement in this MOOC. In addition to his Computer Science studies, Jesse is a fanatic cinephile, quiet bibliophile and passionate gamer.

Ioana Leontiuc

Ioana Leontiuc
Ioana Leontiuc is a student at Delft University of Technology studying a Master's Degree in Software Technology. She completed her undergraduate degree in her hometown at Politehnica University, Timisoara. With her work, Ioana has a lot of interest in the fields of data visualization and designing optimal user interfaces. Outside of her studies, Ioana likes going to Zumba classes.

Maarten Flikkema

Maarten Flikkema

Maarten Flikkema is a third year Bachelor Student Computer Science at Delft University of Technology. He is currently finishing his undergraduate degree. Maarten has a lot of experience with Excel and is passionate about applying the newest functionalities introduced in Excel 2013. In addition to his study and assisting at this MOOC Maarten likes cycling and is interested and enthusiastic about railway infrastructure.

Bas Jansen

Bas Jansen

Bas Jansen is an industrial engineer with 20 years of experience at the intersection of finance and ICT. In 2008,he founded InfoAction. With his team he helps businesses to optimize their reporting, consolidation and budgeting. Bas joined Delft University of Technology as a PhD candidate in 2013, researching to develop algorithms and techniques in order to facilitate the design, development, and maintenance of large spreadsheets.


In order to follow this course successfully, you need to have followed EX101x, or be familiar with the following concepts:

  • Array Formulas
  • Pivot Tables
  • Named Ranges
  • PowerPivot
  • PowerMap
  • Importing Data from Web

Grading & Certification

There will be exercises (Quizzes) accompanying the course material that count for 40% of the grade. Each exercise will allow students to have 2 attempts. The weekly assignments count for 60% of the grade. Each assignment will allow students to have 3 attempts.

In order to pass the course you need to have 60% of all grading (Quiz & Assignments) correct.

Optionally, for a fee of $70, you can receive a verified certificate from edX upon completion of the course. This might be a good option for you if you plan to use your completion of EX102x for job applications, career advancement, or school applications. Also, by earning a verified certificate of this course and of EX101x, and EX103x, the follow up course of Data Analysis: Visualization and Dashboard Design, you may apply for a certificate of the XSeries Data Analysis for your Business.


While this is a self-paced course (you can enroll and complete it any time before 15 January 2017), the course is designed to be completed within 6 weeks, if you devote 4-6 hours per week to the course.

Course overview

0 Introduction to EX102x
1 Combining and importing data
2 Data exploration
3 Visualizing trends
4 Goal seek & solver
5 Designing tables & graphs for effective communication of data
6 Dashboard design


The course materials of this course are Copyright Delft University of Technology and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

If you choose to reuse or repost DelftX course materials you must give proper attribution to the original TU Delft faculty author(s). Please utilize the following citation "This material was created by or adapted from material posted on the Delftx website,, and created by TU Delft faculty member Felienne Hermans, Assistant Professor, 2016. DelftX is not responsible for any changes made to the original materials posted on its website and any such changes are the sole responsibility of [name of user/adapter]."

You must also include a copy of the Creative Commons license used by DelftX, with every copy of the TU Delft materials or the derivative work you create from it.

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