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Online Discussion Hour

When: Tuesday, June 6th, 2017 at 7-8PM EST (23:00-00:00 UTC)

Where: RSVP with this link


We are excited to invite you to an opportunity to experiment with various forms of online discussion in a live synchronous session with Professor Ellen Meier, Director of the Center for Technology and School Change, and Karen Page, Professional Development Facilitator at the Center. We will be using the innovating video platform Shindig, which allows for small group conversations in concert with larger presentations. 

We will begin with a short introduction. You will then form small groups to discuss selected material from the course. At the end of the session, Prof. Meier will ask for reflections and general questions about the professional development course. As you participate in the event, we encourage you to consider how the principles and techniques used in this course could be incorporated into your own course.

If you cannot make the live event, we plan to record and post it to the course. However, unless you join live you will not be able to participate in interactive components.

We hope to see you there!