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About Us

Ellen Meier

Ellen Meier

Dr. Meier is the Director and Co-Founder of the Center for Technology and School Change and a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Technology at Teachers College, Columbia University. She is also Co-Chair of the University of the State of New York Council on Technology Policy and Practice, a panel appointed by the Regents to examine technology use in public schools, libraries, museums and other similar state agencies.

She began her career as a teacher in a federal experimental school program in Minnesota with an interest in school reform and equity, and soon pursued school change issues more broadly in a succession of regional and national responsibilities. Her research is focused on the emerging role of technology in creating engaging learning environments, particularly for urban students. The Center has worked with scores of schools and hundreds of teachers to identify the factors that affect meaningful use of technology. The resulting Innovating Instruction model is currently funded by the National Science Foundation. Dr. Meier has also worked with educators in Ghana, Bulgaria, Mexico and Chile. She holds an Ed.D. in Leadership and Organization from Teachers College, Columbia University, an M.A. in Educational Administration from the University of Minnesota, and a B.A. in English Education from the University of Iowa.

Sandra Markus

Sandra Markus

Sandra Markus is a Professor in the School Art and Design at FIT. She received her Ed.M. in Instructional Technology and Media from Teachers College, Columbia University. She has presented nationally and published articles on the Maker Movement, focusing on gender equity and equity. Professor Markus co-developed and co-teaches the first experimental, interdisciplinary course offered at FIT, Digital Literacy for Designers. She developed and initiated the Digital Spa, an annual Summer Institute for faculty in the School of Art and Design. The Spa supports a collaborative peer-to- peer learning environment where faculty explore emerging technologies. She is the recipient of the 2013 President’s Award for Faculty Excellence at FIT. She is working towards completing her doctoral degree at Teachers College, Columbia University in the department of Communication, Media and learning Technologies Design. Her area of research focuses on digital literacies, feminism, social activism and online communities of practice in art and design.

Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning

The Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) builds education experiences for Columbia University's faculty, staff, and students across all of Columbia's colleges, schools, and departments — on campus and online. CTL has been dedicated to producing new media and developing educational technology to enhance university teaching and learning. Our productions, publications, and events aim to provide thought leadership and practical support — and promote innovation in pedagogy and curriculum development — for teachers and higher education everywhere. For more information, please visit

Meet some of the CTL staff that helped produced this MOOC: Maurice Matiz, Stephanie Ogden, Laura Lechner, Andrew Flatgard, Lucy Appert, Marc Raymond.