/* To edit this code, you will have to copy and paste it in a different programming window. */ /* You cannot edit until then or you will see an error. */ /* This is because I (connorman5280) own this file and you do not have editing priveldeges. */ /* Creating a new window allows you to save this in your filesystem (sasuser.v94).*/ /* You can start a new programming window by using the hotkey 'F4' */ /* You can also start a new programming window by clicking on the circle with 7 dots at the top right of your window. */ /* In the dropdown window, select the option 'new SAS program'. */ /* To save your new file, click the save icon in the upper left hand of this programming window. */ /* Change the username below to your username. */ %let username=connorman5280; libname SCxDB "/home/&username./sasuser.v94/Screwy"; proc datasets; copy in=SCxDB Out=WORK; run; /* Your data should now be available for manipulation in your work folder */